Students who opt for online rather than on-campus learning enjoy many benefits, such as potentially lower tuition rates, more schedule flexibility, and access to top programs around the country with the need to relocate.
Asynchronous online courses do not require students to log in at specific times, while synchronous courses require real-time virtual meetings. Distance learners often find it easier to continue working and meet personal obligations when attending programs with asynchronous courses.
Online courses also come with challenges. For example, students with questions about online assignments may need to access assistance at off times for instructors and staff. Additionally, online learning may make students more susceptible to distractions and require stronger time management skills and self-motivation.
This guide covers important information for students taking education courses online, including online study tips.
Online Courses During COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, most colleges and universities postponed their in-person courses. Limiting social interactions helps stem the spread of the disease, but students who suddenly find themselves studying online must deal with new and unexpected challenges.
New distance learners may face issues with online learning if they lack access to internet or other computer equipment off campus. Online learning may also present challenges for students who need technical assistance, tutoring, or disability services. Additionally, students who are used to the structure of on-campus classes may struggle with the self-discipline and time management skills that online courses require.
Taking Education Courses Online
Because some programs mandate in-person student teaching requirements, online education learners may face particular challenges. Some districts may accept online student teaching, but many education students must adjust their schedules to meet required in-person teaching and observation hours. Additionally, student teaching assignments may take place at a significant distance from the physical university, potentially posing its own challenges.
Distance learners can put the following online study tips into practice to improve their online experiences and ensure increased productivity.
Online Study Tips for Education Classes
Create a Workstation
Distractions abound when studying from home, so distance learners may find it difficult to focus. By creating a workstation specifically for schoolwork, students can better manage the work-home balance. Online learners can speak with their family or roommates to help them understand the importance of the workstation and refrain from interrupting during school-designated hours.
Ask Lots of Questions
Online teaching classes can be just as exciting and engaging as on-campus sessions, particularly when students participate enthusiastically. Students who ask questions during class sessions or in asynchronous forums can better connect with their professors and peers. Asking questions also helps students fully understand their materials and assignments.
Use a Calendar to Manage Your Time
Time management represents a challenge for many online students. Students should set aside designated times to review course materials, complete assignments, participate in group work, and study for tests. By scheduling time in a digital or physical calendar, students can stay on track with their studies.
Reach Out to Your Fellow Students
Community matters for online teaching classes just as much as it does for in-person courses. Many online courses offer forums, chat groups, and other methods for student interaction. These interactions may exist as part of an assignment, but online learners can also reach out to students individually through email and make friends. Asking questions of peers and helping them in return can help promote online course engagement.
Remember to Take Study Breaks
Time management swings both ways when studying from home. Just as some distance learners may feel distracted, others may struggle to take breaks. Study breaks can help clear the mind and prevent burnout. Students should pay attention to good ergonomic practices, stretching regularly. They should also make sure to eat healthy meals, interact with others, and set timers to keep track of study time to ensure they don't burn out.
Consider Finding a Mentor
A good mentor can make all the difference for students facing challenges in the pursuit of their online degree. Some schools offer official faculty, staff, or student mentors. Students enrolled in programs without these benefits can reach out to faculty or staff on their own. Mentors may act as study partners or offer tips on best practices for online learning success.